Kids in Action
About Kids in Action
Despite the emergence of many preventive programs, the number of obese kids in Amsterdam continues to be alarmingly high. Additionally, it has been shown that many kids with parents of low socioeconomic class are especially vulnerable when it comes to adopting an unhealthy lifestyle, and are therefore more prone to being overweight. One way to tackle this problem is through Participatory Action Research (PAR), which aims to involve the people the research focuses on itself (in this case the children and their parents). Therefore, the keyword in the ‘Kids in Action-program is ‘participation’. In collaboration with children, who are the experts on their own living environments, the main health-related problems will be identified. By including the children in this process, we aim to design the most appropriate initiatives to encourage healthy behavior. This project is carried out in collaboration with the organisation Kids Aktief.
Link to the Kids in Action webpage: Kids in Action

Manou Anselma, MSc.
Prof. Dr. Mai Chin A Paw
Dr. Teatske Altenburg