My Little Moves
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About 'My Little Moves'

Optimal 24-hour patterns in physical activity, sedentary behaviour and sleep for growth and development among 0- to 4-year-olds

Adequate physical activity and sleep are essential for children’s healthy growth and development and should be stimulated from an early age. Screen use has recently become customary at an increasingly early age. However, high-quality evidence to inform guidelines is lacking for the youngest age group (0-4- year-olds).

‘My Little Moves’ aims to develop valid, reliable and user-friendly measurement instruments for young children’s 24-h movement behaviors (physical activity, sedentary behavior and sleep). These instruments will be used to provide high-quality evidence on young children’s 24-h movement patterns over time and the longitudinal association with growth, motor and social-emotional development.

Additionally, determinants will be examined. Subsequently, we will co-create recommendations for guidelines and interventions for children’s ideal 24-hour movement patterns together with parents and relevant professionals.

My Little Moves is financed by Bernard van Leer & ZonMw.

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My Little Moves


Jelle Arts, MSc.

Annelinde Lettink, MSc.

Dr. Sanne Veldman

Dr. Teatske Altenburg

Prof. Dr. Mai Chin A Paw

Maastricht University: J Gubbels

Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences: M Jansen

Municipality of Amsterdam, Sarphati research: A Verhoef; L van Houtum; M Johannes

Bernard van Leer foundation: L Peeters; I Verburg

Dutch Gymnastics: M van der Plas; T Bracco Gartner

AKROS day-care Amsterdam: Y Willems; I Klaassen
