Lifestyle Innovations based on youth’s Knowledge and Experience

About LIKE

LIKE (Lifestyle Innovations Based on youth’s Knowledge and Experience) is a 5-year program designed for stimulating a healthy lifestyle among 10-14 year old teenagers with a low socioeconomic position in Amsterdam. The project takes place in Amsterdam East. On average, the inhabitants of specific neighbourhoods in this area have a low socioeconomic status. Physical activity, sedentary behaviour, nutrition and sleep are the lifestyle factors considered in this project. Participation plays a central role in this project. In co-creation with teenagers, their parents and other important stakeholders, opportunities for a healthier lifestyle in Amsterdam East are explored. The second major theme in this project is taking a systems approach. Different settings, namely the home, school, neighbourhood, and health care environment are included in this project and approached in an integral manner. Cooperation and tuning between these settings is important for sustaining an effect for the target group. For more information:

Inspiratiegids co-creatie

Binnen LIKE werken we samen met Stichting Alexander, een landelijke organisatie voor jeugdparticipatie en participatief jeugdonderzoek. Stichting Alexander heeft een Inspiratiegids co-creatie uitgebracht gebaseerd op de ervaringen opgedaan binnen LIKE.

Deze gids is speciaal voor iedereen die met kinderen en jongeren aan de slag wil om in co-creatie samen te werken aan een gezonde leefstijl. Beleidsmakers van stadsdelen en gemeenten, onderzoekers, jongerenwerkers, docenten: doe er je voordeel mee!

Je vindt de Inspiratiegids co-creatie hier.



Meredith Overman, MSc.

Helga Emke, MSc.

Dr. Teatske Altenburg

Prof. Dr. Mai Chin A Paw