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Activity Questionnaire for Adults and Adolescents (AQuAA) is een vragenlijst om lichamelijke activiteit van adolescenten (12-18 jaar) en volwassenen te meten. Het materiaal bestaat uit twee vragenlijsten: één voor adolescenten en één voor volwassenen.


De respondent vult de AQuAA schriftelijk in. Per activiteit geeft de respondent aan hoeveel van de afgelopen zeven dagen de activiteit plaatsvond en hoeveel tijd de respondent daar gemiddeld per dag mee bezig was. Bij de onderdelen vervoer naar school of werk, vrije tijd en sport vult de respondent in hoe inspannend de activiteit was, namelijk licht, gemiddeld of zwaar. Bij de onderdelen lichamelijke activiteit op werk of school en huishoudelijke activiteiten is de intensiteit van de activiteit voorgestructureerd in deze drie categorieën.



De afgelopen jaren hebben veel leden van J&G onderzoeken geleid of eraan bijgedragen. Hier vind je de publicaties waaraan leden van J&G hebben meegewerkt.


Fortuin, B., Chinapaw, M., Verlinden, E., Brons, A., Kösters, M., & Hoogsteder, M. (2024). Children’s perspectives on health and wellbeing: A concept mapping study. Journal Of Pediatric Nursing, 79, 141–149.

Sone, M., Altenburg, T. M., & ChinAPaw, M. J. (2024). Challenges and Future Directions for Promoting Intersectional Quantitative Studies in Physical Activity Research. Journal of Physical Activity and Health.

Huiberts, I., Collard, D., Singh, A. et al. Uncovering the key working mechanisms of a complex community-based obesity prevention programme in the Netherlands using ripple effects mapping. Health Res Policy Sys 22, 122 (2024).

Zhou, B., Bennett, J. E., Wickham, A. P., Singleton, R. K., Mishra, A., Carrillo-Larco, R. M., Ikeda, N., Jain, L., Barradas-Pires, A., Heap, R. A., Lhoste, V. P., Sheffer, K. E., Phelps, N. H., Rayner, A. W., Gregg, E. W., Woodward, M., Stevens, G. A., Iurilli, M. L., Danaei, G., . . . Ezzati, M. (2024). General and abdominal adiposity and hypertension in eight world regions: a pooled analysis of 837 population-based studies with 7·5 million participants. The Lancet, 404(10455), 851–863.

Emke, H., Vandendriessche, A., Chinapaw, M. et al. Facilitating co-research: lessons learned from reflection forms within three participatory action research projects. Health Res Policy Sys 22, 117 (2024).

Verdonschot, A., Beauchamp, M.R., Brusseau, T.A. et al. Development and evaluation of the Capability, Opportunity, and Motivation to deliver Physical Activity in School Scale (COM-PASS). Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act 21, 93 (2024).

Messiha, K., Altenburg, T. M., Schreier, M., Longworth, G. R., Thomas, N., Chastin, S., & Chinapaw, M. J. M. (2024). Enriching the evidence base of co-creation research in public health with methodological principles of critical realism. Critical Public Health, 34(1), 1–19. doi: 10.1080/09581596.2024.2371323

Emke H, Altenburg T, Dijkstra C, Pinzon AL, Stronks K, Waterlander W, Kremers S, Chinapaw M. Applying systems thinking in youth-centred participatory action research for health promotion in an underserved neighbourhood. Front Public Health. 2024 Jun 3;12:1272663. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2024.1272663.

Huiberts I, Collard D, Singh S, van Lenthe F, Chin A Paw M. Stap voor stap naar een gezonde leefomgeving voor kinderen en jongeren: Lessen uit de JOGG-aanpak. Mulier Instituut. 19 maart 2024. 

Overman ML, Vrijkotte T, Sánchez Castro YM, Harskamp-van Ginkel MW, Hunsberger M, Renders CM, Kremers SPJ, Chinapaw MJM. The cross-sectional association of parental psychosocial status with children’s Body Mass Index z-score and the mediating role of children’s energy balance behaviors – the ABCD Study. PLoS One. 2024 Apr 29;19(4):e0302147. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0302147.

Baauw A, Brouwers CFS, Afshar SF, van Goudoever JB, Chinapaw MJM, Hoogsteder MHH. Perspectives of refugee parents and unaccompanied minors on initial health assessment and access to care. Eur J Pediatr. 2024 Apr 9. doi: 10.1007/s00431-024-05523-5.

Longworth GR, Goh K, Agnello DM, Messiha K, Beeckman M, Zapata-Restrepo JR, Cardon G, Chastin S, Giné-Garriga M. A review of implementation and evaluation frameworks for public health interventions to inform co-creation: a Health CASCADE study. Health Res Policy Syst. 2024 Mar 28;22(1):39. doi: 10.1186/s12961-024-01126-6.

Chinapaw MJM, Klaufus LH, Oyeyemi AL, Draper C, Palmeira AL, Silva MN, Van Belle S, Pawlowski CS, Schipperijn J, Altenburg TM. Youth-centred participatory action approach towards co-created implementation of socially and physically activating environmental interventions in Africa and Europe: the YoPA project study protocol. BMJ Open. 2024 Feb 21;14(2):e084657. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2024-084657.

Huiberts I, Singh A, Collard D, Hendriks M, van Lenthe FJ, Chinapaw M. Untangling the complex implementation process of community-based health promotion: a multiple-case study in the Netherlands. Health Promot Int. 2024 Feb 1;39(1):daae005. doi: 10.1093/heapro/daae005.

Brown V, Sheppard L, Salmon J, Arundell L, Cerin E, Ridgers ND, Hesketh KD, Daly RM, Dunstan DW, Brown H, Gatta JD, Chinapaw JMM, Moodie M. Cost-effectiveness of reducing children’s sedentary time and increasing physical activity at school: the Transform-Us! intervention. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. 2024 Feb 12;21(1):15. doi: 10.1186/s12966-024-01560-3.


Anselma, M., Altenburg, T., Motazedi, E. et al. Percepties van discriminatie en diversiteit op het werk binnen het Amsterdam Public Health research institute. TSG Tijdschr Gezondheidswet (2023). doi: 10.1007/s12508-023-00415-9  

Zapata-Restrepo JR, Longworth GR, Chin-A-Paw JMM, Dall P, Skelton DA, Morejón Torné S, Giné-Garriga, M. Inter-rater reliability of the ‘Tool for assessing determinants of health in public space’ in a co-creative urban design process with care home residents in Barcelona: a Health CASCADE study. Cities & Health, 2023 Dec. doi: 10.1080/23748834.2023.2286724

Veldman SL, Gubbels JS, Singh AS, Koedijker JM, Chinapaw MJ, Altenburg TM. Correlates of Fundamental Motor Skills in the Early Years (0–4 Years): A Systematic Review. Journal of Motor Learning and Development. Published online November 22, 2023. doi:10.1123/jmld.2023-0003

Lettink A, Chinapaw M, van Wieringen WN, Two-dimensional fused targeted ridge regression for health indicator prediction from accelerometer data. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C: Applied Statistics. 2023 Aug;72(4):1064-1078. doi: 10.1093/jrsssc/qlad041

Sang Iii CJ, de Visser R, Krallman R, Pai CW, Montgomery D, Moser CA, Kline-Rogers E, DuRussel-Weston J, Eagle KA, Chinapaw M, Jackson EA. Cardiometabolic Risk and Dietary Behaviors in Middle-School Children Consuming School-Sourced Lunch. Acad Pediatr. 2023 Aug 3:S1876-2859(23)00328-5. doi: 10.1016/j.acap.2023.07.018.

Agnello DM, Loisel QEA, An Q, Balaskas G, Chrifou R, Dall P, de Boer J, Delfmann LR, Giné-Garriga M, Goh K, Longworth GR, Messiha K, McCaffrey L, Smith N, Steiner A, Vogelsang M, Chastin S. Establishing a Health CASCADE-Curated Open-Access Database to Consolidate Knowledge About Co-Creation: Novel Artificial Intelligence-Assisted Methodology Based on Systematic Reviews. J Med Internet Res. 2023 Jul 18;25:e45059. doi: 10.2196/45059. 

Verloigne M, Altenburg T, Cardon G, Chinapaw M, Dall P, Deforche B, Giné-Garriga M, Lippke S, Papadopoulos H, Pappa D, Sandlund M, Schreier M, Wadell K, Chastin S. Making co-creation a trustworthy methodology for closing the implementation gap between knowledge and action in health promotion: the Health CASCADE project. Perspect Public Health. 2023 Jul;143(4):196-198. doi: 10.1177/17579139221136718.

Larsen H, Hermans RCJ, Kayabal S, Renders CM, Vrijkotte TGM. Associations between parental and pre-adolescents’ physical activity and diet quality: The role of parental child care involvement and child’s sex. Eat Behav. 2023 Jun 21;50:101775. doi: 10.1016/j.eatbeh.2023.101775. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37356411.

Luna Pinzon A, Stronks K, Emke H, van den Eynde E, Altenburg T, Dijkstra SC, Renders CM, Hermans R, Busch V, Chinapaw MJM, Kremers SPJ, Waterlander W. Understanding the system dynamics of obesity-related behaviours in 10- to 14-year-old adolescents in Amsterdam from a multi-actor perspective. Front Public Health. 2023 May 25;11:1128316. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1128316.

Emke H, Dijkstra C, Kremers S, Chinapaw MJ, Altenburg T. Is the transition from primary to secondary school a risk factor for energy balance-related behaviours? A systematic review. Public Health Nutr. 2023 May 4:1-21. doi: 10.1017/S1368980023000812.

Veldman SLC, Altenburg TM, Chinapaw MJM, Gubbels JS. Correlates of screen time in the early years (0-5 years): A systematic review. Prev Med Rep. 2023 Apr 19;33:102214. doi: 10.1016/j.pmedr.2023.102214.

Messiha K, Chinapaw MJM, Ket HCFF, An Q, Anand-Kumar V, Longworth GR, Chastin S, Altenburg TM. Systematic Review of Contemporary Theories Used for Co-creation, Co-design and Co-production in Public Health. J Public Health (Oxf). 2023 Aug 28;45(3):723-737. doi: 10.1093/pubmed/fdad046.

Brandes M, Brandes B, Sell L, Sacheck JM, Chinapaw M, Lubans DR, Woll A, Schipperijn J, Jago R, Busse H. How to select interventions for promoting physical activity in schools? Combining preferences of stakeholders and scientists. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. 2023 Apr 25;20(1):48. doi: 10.1186/s12966-023-01452-y.

Stavnsbo M, Stenling A, Berntsen S, Chinapaw MJM, Hansen BH, Manios Y, Molnár D, Torstveit MK, Verloigne M, Vicente-Rodríguez G, Westergren T, Bere E. Does an obesogenic family environment moderate the association between sports participation and body composition in children? The ENERGY project. Pediatr Obes. 2023 Apr 4:e13031. doi: 10.1111/ijpo.13031.

NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC). Diminishing benefits of urban living for children and adolescents’ growth and development. Nature. 2023 Mar;615(7954):874-883. doi: 10.1038/s41586-023-05772-8.

Kösters MP, Klaufus LH, van der Wal MF. Validity and reliability of the short Test Anxiety Inventory (TAI-5) in Dutch adolescents. J Gen Psychol. 2023 Mar 15:1-11. doi: 10.1080/00221309.2023.2188579.

Vrijkotte T, de Rooij SR, Roseboom TJ, Twickler T. Maternal serum cortisol levels during pregnancy differ by fetal sex. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2023 Mar;149:105999. doi: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2022.105999.

Chinapaw, MJM,  Anselma M. Let’s dance around the world! – towards more diversity, equity & inclusion in research. Comment. Journal for the Measurement of Physical activity and Behaviour. 2023. doi: 10.1123/jmpb.2022-0043

Chinapaw MJM, Altenburg TM. Knowledge in youth is wisdom in age: involving young people in research. Nat Rev Endocrinol. 2023 Jan 10. doi: 10.1038/s41574-022-00796-y.

Ortega FB, Leskošek B, Blagus R, Gil-Cosano JJ, Mäestu J, Tomkinson GR, Ruiz JR, Mäestu E, Starc G, Milanovic I, Tammelin TH, Sorić M, Scheuer C, Carraro A, Kaj M, Csányi T, Sardinha LB, Lenoir M, Emeljanovas A, Mieziene B, Sidossis LS, Pihu M, Lovecchio N, Konstabel K, Tambalis KD, Štefan L, Drenowatz C, Rubín L, Gontarev S, Castro-Piñero J, Vanhelst J, O’Keeffe B, Veiga OL, Gisladottir T, Sandercock G, Misigoj-Durakovic M, Niessner C, Riso EM, Popovic S, Kuu S, Chinapaw M, Clavel I, Labayen I, Dobosz J, Colella D, Kriemler S, Salaj S, Noriega MJ, Bös K, Sánchez-López M, Lakka TA, Tabacchi G, Novak D, Ahrens W, Wedderkopp N, Jurak G; FitBack, HELENA and IDEFICS consortia. European fitness landscape for children and adolescents: updated reference values, fitness maps and country rankings based on nearly 8 million test results from 34 countries gathered by the FitBack network. Br J Sports Med. 2023 Jan 9:bjsports-2022-106176. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2022-106176.


Harskamp van Ginkel MW, Klazema W, Hoogsteder MHH, Chinapaw MJM, van Houtum L. The need of having a plan in excessive infant crying – a qualitative study of parents’ experiences of healthcare support. Acta Paediatr. 2022 Dec 7. doi: 10.1111/apa.16618.

Salmon J, Arundell L, Cerin E, Ridgers ND, Hesketh KD, Daly RM, Dunstan D, Brown H, Della Gatta J, Della Gatta P, Chinapaw MJM, Shepphard L, Moodie M, Hume C, Brown V, Ball K, Crawford D. Transform-Us! cluster RCT: 18-month and 30-month effects on children’s physical activity, sedentary time and cardiometabolic risk markers. Br J Sports Med. 2022 Nov 25:bjsports-2022-105825. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2022-105825. Epub ahead of print.

Belmon LS, Van Stralen MM, Harmsen IA, Den Hertog KE, Ruiter RAC, Chinapaw MJM, Busch V. Promoting children’s sleep health: Intervention Mapping meets Health in All Policies. Front Public Health. 2022 Nov 16;10:882384. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.882384.

Kösters MP, Chinapaw MJ, Zwaanswijk M, van der Wal MF, Koot HM. Differences in Anxiety and Depression Among Migrant and Non-Migrant Primary School Children in The Netherlands. Child Psychiatry Hum Dev. 2022 Nov 2. doi: 10.1007/s10578-022-01454-0. Epub ahead of print. Erratum in: Child Psychiatry Hum Dev.

Clinck Isabel, Verelst Faro Rebecca, Tanja G M Vrijkotte, Twickler Theodorus Bartholomeus. Early pregnancy triglycerides and not fructosamine are associated with birth weight (with foetal sexual dimorphism). Eur j Clin Invest 2022

Simone de Poot, Margreet W. Harskamp-van Ginkel en Tanja G.M. Vrijkotte. Digitale-mediagebruik en slaap bij jongeren. Verband tussen regels en de slaap. NTvG 2022

Arts, J., Drotos, E., Singh, A. S., Chinapaw, M., Altenburg, T. M., & Gubbels, J. S. (2022). Correlates of Physical Activity in 0- to 5-year-olds: A Systematic Umbrella Review and Consultation of International Researchers. Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.), 10.1007/s40279-022-01761-5. Advance online publication.

Koorts H, Timperio A, Abbott G, Arundell L, Ridgers ND, Cerin E, Brown H, Daly RM, Dunstan DW, Hume C, Chinapaw MJM, Moodie M, Hesketh KD, Salmon J. Is level of implementation linked with intervention outcomes? Process evaluation of the TransformUs intervention to increase children’s physical activity and reduce sedentary behaviour. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. 2022 Sep 17;19(1):122. doi: 10.1186/s12966-022-01354-5.

Lettink A, Altenburg TM, Arts J, van Hees VT, Chinapaw MJM. Systematic review of accelerometer-based methods for 24-h physical behavior assessment in young children (0-5 years old). Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. 2022 Sep 8;19(1):116. doi: 10.1186/s12966-022-01296-y.

Klaufus LH, Verlinden E, van der Wal MF, Cuijpers P, Chinapaw MJM, Boschloo L. Exploring the Association of Age with Depressive Symptomatology in Childhood and Adolescence: A Network Study. J Clin Child Adolesc Psychol. 2022 Aug 8:1-11. doi: 10.1080/15374416.2022.2096044. Epub ahead of print.

de Vries LW, Harrington D, Grooten I, Van ’t Hooft J, Deutekom AV, Roseboom TJ, Salmon J, Chinapaw M, Altenburg TM. Development of a core outcome set for school-based intervention studies on preventing childhood overweight and obesity: study protocol. BMJ Open. 2022 Jul 14;12(7):e051726. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-051726.

Baas, R. E., Hutten, B. A., Henrichs, J., & Vrijkotte, T. G. M. (2022). Associations Between Maternal Lipid Blood Levels at the 13th Week of Pregnancy and Offspring’s Adiposity at Age 11-12 Years. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism, 107(10), e4048–e4057.

Verswijveren SJJM, Ridgers ND, Martín-Fernández JA, Chastin S, Cerin E, Chinapaw MJM, Arundell L, Dunstan DW, Hume C, Brown H, Della Gatta J, Salmon J. Intervention effects on children’s movement behaviour accumulation as a result of the Transform-Us! school- and home-based cluster randomised controlled trial. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. 2022 Jul 7;19(1):76. doi: 10.1186/s12966-022-01314-z.

Elhakeem A, Taylor AE, Inskip HM, Huang J, Tafflet M, Vinther JL, Asta F, Erkamp JS, Gagliardi L, Guerlich K, Halliday J, Harskamp-van Ginkel MW, He JR, Jaddoe VWV, Lewis S, Maher GM, Manios Y, Mansell T, McCarthy FP, McDonald SW, Medda E, Nisticò L, de Moira AP, Popovic M, Reiss IKM, Rodrigues C, Salika T, Smith A, Stazi MA, Walker C, Wu M, Åsvold BO, Barros H, Brescianini S, Burgner D, Chan JKY, Charles MA, Eriksson JG, Gaillard R, Grote V, Håberg SE, Heude B, Koletzko B, Morton S, Moschonis G, Murray D, O’Mahony D, Porta D, Qiu X, Richiardi L, Rusconi F, Saffery R, Tough SC, Vrijkotte TGM, Nelson SM, Nybo Andersen AM, Magnus MC, Lawlor DA; Assisted Reproductive Technology and Future Health (ART-Health) Cohort Collaboration. Association of Assisted Reproductive Technology With Offspring Growth and Adiposity From Infancy to Early Adulthood. JAMA Netw Open. 2022 Jul 1;5(7):e2222106. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.22106.

Finken MJJ, Wirix AJ, von Rosenstiel-Jadoul IA, van der Voorn B, Chinapaw MJ, Hartmann MF, Kist-van Holthe JE, Wudy SA, Rotteveel J. Role of glucocorticoid metabolism in childhood obesity-associated hypertension. Endocr Connect. 2022 Jun 1:EC-22-0130. doi: 10.1530/EC-22-0130.

de Vries LP, Pelt DHM, van der Ploeg HP, Chinapaw JMM, de Geus EJC, Bartels M. The association between well-being and a large variation of accelerometer-assessed physical activity and sedentary behavior measures. Ment Health Phys Act. 2022 Mar;22(100446). doi: 10.1016/j.mhpa.2022.100446.

Klaufus L, Verlinden E, van der Wal M, Cuijpers P, Chinapaw M, Smit F. Adolescent anxiety and depression: burden of disease study in 53,894 secondary school pupils in the Netherlands. BMC Psychiatry. 2022 Mar 30;22(1):225. doi: 10.1186/s12888-022-03868-5.

Luna Pinzon A, Stronks K, Dijkstra C, Renders C, Altenburg T, den Hertog K, Kremers SPJ, Chinapaw MJM, Verhoeff AP, Waterlander W. The ENCOMPASS framework: a practical guide for the evaluation of public health programmes in complex adaptive systems. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. 2022 Mar 28;19(1):33. doi: 10.1186/s12966-022-01267-3.

Huiberts I, Singh A, van Lenthe FJ, Chinapaw M, Collard D. Evaluation proposal of a national community-based obesity prevention programme: a novel approach considering the complexity perspective. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. 2022 Mar 24;19(1):31. doi: 10.1186/s12966-022-01271-7.

Arts J, Gubbels JS, Verhoeff AP, Chinapaw MJM, Lettink A, Altenburg TM. A systematic review of proxy-report questionnaires assessing physical activity, sedentary behavior and/or sleep in young children (aged 0-5 years). Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. 2022 Feb 14;19(1):18. doi: 10.1186/s12966-022-01251-x. PMID: 35164783; PMCID: PMC8845346.

Altenburg TM, de Vries L, Op den Buijsch R, Eyre E, Dobell A, Duncan M, Chinapaw MJM. Cross-validation of cut-points in preschool children using different accelerometer placements and data axes. J Sports Sci. 2022 Jan 18:1-7. doi: 10.1080/02640414.2021.1994726. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35040373.

Klaufus L, Tang X, Verlinden E, van der Wal M, Haverman L, Luijten M, Cuijpers P, Chinapaw M, Schalet B. Linking the RCADS-25 to the PROMIS® pediatric item banks Anxiety and Depressive Symptoms in a general Dutch population sample. Qual Life Res. 2022 Jan 13. doi: 10.1007/s11136-021-03050-6. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35023000.

Klaufus LH, Luijten MAJ, Verlinden E, van der Wal MF, Haverman L, Cuijpers P, Chinapaw MJM, Terwee CB. Psychometric properties of the Dutch-Flemish PROMIS® pediatric item banks Anxiety and Depressive Symptoms in a general population. Qual Life Res. 2021 Sep;30(9):2683-2695. doi: 10.1007/s11136-021-02852-y. Epub 2021 May 13. PMID: 33983618.


Roordink EM, Steenhuis IHM, Kroeze W, Chinapaw MJM, van Stralen MM. Perspectives of health practitioners and adults who regained weight on predictors of relapse in weight loss maintenance behaviors: a concept mapping study. Health Psychol Behav Med. 2021 Dec 26;10(1):22-40. doi: 10.1080/21642850.2021.2014332. PMID: 34993004; PMCID: PMC8725894.

Anselma M, Altenburg TM, Twisk JWR, Wang X, Chinapaw MJM. How to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Health Promotion Actions Developed Through Youth-Centered Participatory Action Research. Health Educ Behav. 2021 Oct 9:10901981211046533. doi: 10.1177/10901981211046533. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34628967.

Vlenterie R, van Gelder MMHJ, Anderson HR, Andersson L, Broekman BFP, Dubnov-Raz G, El Marroun H, Ferreira E, Fransson E, van der Heijden FMMA, Holzman CB, Kim JJ, Khashan AS, Kirkwood BR, Kuijpers HJH, Lahti-Pulkkinen M, Mason D, Misra D, Niemi M, Nordeng HME, Peacock JL, Pickett KE, Prady SL, Premji SS, Räikkönen K, Rubertsson C, Sahingoz M, Shaikh K, Silver RK, Slaughter-Acey J, Soremekun S, Stein DJ, Sundström-Poromaa I, Sutter-Dallay AL, Tiemeier H, Uguz F, Varela P, Vrijkotte TGM, Winterfeld U, Zar HJ, Zervas IM, Prins JB, Pop-Purceleanu M, Roeleveld N. Associations Between Maternal Depression, Antidepressant Use During Pregnancy, and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes: An Individual Participant Data Meta-analysis. Obstet Gynecol. 2021 Oct 1;138(4):633-646. doi: 10.1097/AOG.0000000000004538. PMID: 34623076.

van Vuuren CL, van Mens K, de Beurs D, Lokkerbol J, van der Wal MF, Cuijpers P, Chinapaw MJM. Comparing machine learning to a rule-based approach for predicting suicidal behavior among adolescents: Results from a longitudinal population-based survey. J Affect Disord. 2021 Sep 17:S0165-0327(21)00977-0. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2021.09.018. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34620490.

Belmon LS, Komrij NL, Busch V, Oude Geerdink E, Heemskerk DM, de Bruin EJ, Chinapaw MJM, van Stralen MM. Correlates of inadequate sleep health among primary school children. J Sleep Res. 2021 Sep 15:e13483. doi: 10.1111/jsr.13483. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34528326.

Dogra S, Copeland JL, Altenburg TM, Heyland DK, Owen N, Dunstan DW. Start with reducing sedentary behavior: A stepwise approach to physical activity counseling in clinical practice. Patient Educ Couns. 2021 Sep 13:S0738-3991(21)00628-5. doi: 10.1016/j.pec.2021.09.019. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34556383.

Op den Kelder R, Van den Akker AL, Ensink JBM, Geurts HM, Overbeek G, de Rooij SR, Vrijkotte TGM, Lindauer RJL. Longitudinal Associations Between Trauma Exposure and Executive Functions in Children: Findings from a Dutch Birth Cohort Study. Res Child Adolesc Psychopathol. 2021 Sep 5. doi: 10.1007/s10802-021-00847-4. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34482489.

van der Laan CM, Morosoli-García JJ, van de Weijer SGA, Colodro-Conde L; ACTION Consortium, Lupton MK, Mitchell BL, McAloney K, Parker R, Burns JM, Hickie IB, Pool R, Hottenga JJ, Martin NG, Medland SE, Nivard MG, Boomsma DI. Continuity of Genetic Risk for Aggressive Behavior Across the Life-Course. Behav Genet. 2021 Sep;51(5):592-606. doi: 10.1007/s10519-021-10076-6. Epub 2021 Aug 14. PMID: 34390460; PMCID: PMC8390412.

Altenburg TM, Wang X, van Ekris E, Andersen LB, Møller NC, Wedderkopp N, Chinapaw MJM. The consequences of using different epoch lengths on the classification of accelerometer based sedentary behaviour and physical activity. PLoS One. 2021 Jul 15;16(7):e0254721. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0254721. PMID: 34265011; PMCID: PMC8282067.

Sirkka O, Vrijkotte T, Houtum LV, Abrahamse-Berkeveld M, Halberstadt J, Olthof MR, Seidell JC. Infant Feeding and Ethnic Differences in Body Mass Index during Childhood: A Prospective Study. Nutrients. 2021 Jul 1;13(7):2291. doi: 10.3390/nu13072291. PMID: 34371801; PMCID: PMC8308235.

Hoogsteder MHH, Douma LN, Eskens CGA, Berendsen RL, Vanneste YTM, Schaafsma FG. Professionals’ and Students’ Perceived Needs for an Online Supportive Application for Reducing School Absence and Stimulating Reintegration: Concept Mapping Study. JMIR Form Res. 2021 Jun 21;5(6):e24659. doi: 10.2196/24659. PMID: 34152275; PMCID: PMC8277345.

Loheide-Niesmann L, Vrijkotte TGM, De Rooij SR, Wiers RW, Huizink A. Associations between autonomic nervous system activity and risk-taking and internalizing behavior in young adolescents. Psychophysiology. 2021 Sep;58(9):e13882. doi: 10.1111/psyp.13882. Epub 2021 Jun 18. PMID: 34145912; PMCID: PMC8459221.

Toffoli EC, Sweegers MG, Bontkes HJ, Altenburg TM, Verheul HMW, van der Vliet HJ, de Gruijl TD, Buffart LM. Effects of physical exercise on natural killer cell activity during (neo)adjuvant chemotherapy: A randomized pilot study. Physiol Rep. 2021 Jun;9(11):e14919. doi: 10.14814/phy2.14919. PMID: 34110712; PMCID: PMC8191403.

Taylor K, Elhakeem A, Thorbjørnsrud Nader JL, Yang TC, Isaevska E, Richiardi L, Vrijkotte T, Pinot de Moira A, Murray DM, Finn D, Mason D, Wright J, Oddie S, Roeleveld N, Harris JR, Andersen AN, Caputo M, Lawlor DA. Effect of Maternal Prepregnancy/Early-Pregnancy Body Mass Index and Pregnancy Smoking and Alcohol on Congenital Heart Diseases: A Parental Negative Control Study. J Am Heart Assoc. 2021 Jun;10(11):e020051. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.120.020051. Epub 2021 May 27. PMID: 34039012.

Pereira JR, Cliff DP, Sousa-Sá E, Zhang Z, McNeill J, Veldman SLC, Santos R. Objectively Measured Sedentary Levels and Bouts by Day Type in Australian Young Children. J Phys Act Health. 2021 Apr 9;18(5):580-586. doi: 10.1123/jpah.2020-0299. PMID: 33837164.

Jaspers Faijer-Westerink H, Stavnsbo M, Hutten BA, Chinapaw M, Vrijkotte TGM. Ideal cardiovascular health at age 5-6 years and cardiometabolic outcomes in preadolescence. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. 2021 Mar 6;18(1):33. doi: 10.1186/s12966-021-01090-2. PMID: 33676545; PMCID: PMC7936465.

Krijger JA, Nicolaou M, Nguyen AN, Voortman T, Hutten BA, Vrijkotte TG. Diet quality at age 5-6 and cardiovascular outcomes in preadolescents. Clin Nutr ESPEN. 2021 Jun;43:506-513. doi: 10.1016/j.clnesp.2021.02.011. Epub 2021 Feb 25. PMID: 34024563.

Vrijkotte T, Brand T, Bonsel G. First trimester employment, working conditions and preterm birth: a prospective population-based cohort study. Occup Environ Med. 2021 Sep;78(9):654-660. doi: 10.1136/oemed-2020-107072. Epub 2021 Feb 24. PMID: 33627481; PMCID: PMC8380879.

Harteveld LM, Nederend I, Ten Harkel ADJ, Schutte NM, de Rooij SR, Vrijkotte TGM, Oldenhof H, Popma A, Jansen LMC, Suurland J, Swaab H, de Geus EJC; FemNAT‐CD collaborators *. Maturation of the Cardiac Autonomic Nervous System Activity in Children and Adolescents. J Am Heart Assoc. 2021 Feb 16;10(4):e017405. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.120.017405. Epub 2021 Feb 2. PMID: 33525889; PMCID: PMC7955328.

Veldman SLC, Chin A Paw MJM, Altenburg TM. Physical activity and prospective associations with indicators of health and development in children aged <5 years: a systematic review. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. 2021 Jan 7;18(1):6. doi: 10.1186/s12966-020-01072-w. PMID: 33413484; PMCID: PMC7791660.